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View Full Version : Affordable DIY Home Upgrades

28th July 2015, 12:42 PM
Affording to keep your home updated with all the upgrades it requires can quickly drain your bank account, so unfortunately many homeowners deprive their homes of necessary upgrades because they think they cannot afford them. Upgrades are important if you want your home to last forever. The truth is, there are many home upgrades that can be completed on a tight budget, and homeowners should understand the importance of keeping up their homes so that their value remains high or increases, as well as the lives of those who reside in the home. Here are some ways to upgrade on a tight budget.

The power of new paint

Never underestimate how much a fresh coat of paint can upgrade your home and make it look like new. Painting is an affordable upgrade, and is easy to complete on your own. Do not stress about paying top dollar for quality paint, because styles and trends change over time, and chances are you will paint again in the future. Don’t just stop at the walls, either. Freshen up your kitchen by painting or staining your cabinets, or update your kitchen table with a new paint color. A little bit of paint can transform the entire look and vibe of your home, and should be one of the first upgrades made because it is so easy and affordable.

Changing hardware and light fixtures

Another upgrade that can be done on a budget is changing the hardware on cabinets, door knobs and hinges on all the doors, as well as updating old light fixtures. New hardware has a way of giving any home a fresh new look, and is much cheaper than construction or other major remodeling projects in order to get the same new feel. Consider changing electrical outlets and light switch plates to modernize a room at a small cost. Starting small with upgrades like this can help you determine if major upgrades are needed, or if the small upgrades are exactly what the doctor ordered.

Upgrades that lead to a pay off

When upgrading your home, consider what you really need rather than what just looks nice. Upgrades should make your life easier in one way or another. Install ceiling fans that can modernize a room as well as cool you off without costing you a fortune to run your air conditioner. Upgrades should increase the value of your home, especially if you are planning on selling it in the future. If your upgrades somehow lead to a payoff, you know they were worth the investment. The best part is that there are several upgrades that do not cost a lot of money, but have a big reward, and those are the upgrades you should aim for before investing in major upgrades that are more expensive to complete.