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22nd September 2009, 04:23 PM
i've been eating a lot of protein but very little carbs. none of which are supplements. i exercise regularly but my muscles don't seem to be getting any larger. what am i doing wrong? do i really need to resort to those supplements to get the desired results?

23rd September 2009, 10:19 AM
i've been eating a lot of protein but very little carbs. none of which are supplements. i exercise regularly but my muscles don't seem to be getting any larger. what am i doing wrong? do i really need to resort to those supplements to get the desired results?

protien suppose to help you gain mass but again maybe your excercises are wrong. did you do weights? you would probably want to seek advise from a professional.

16th December 2009, 02:40 PM
i've been eating a lot of protein but very little carbs. none of which are supplements. i exercise regularly but my muscles don't seem to be getting any larger. what am i doing wrong? do i really need to resort to those supplements to get the desired results?

i think u should see if you're doing the exercises right. get on you tube and watch some home made vids. when doing weights, form really matter. quality over quantity

17th December 2009, 10:47 AM
Your diet plan should encourage good eating habits. The problem that most people have with losing weight is they skip meals to lose weight. By skipping breakfast and eating too little in the early part of the day, you set yourself up to over-eat later in the afternoon or evening.

You are not condemned to being overweight. Any one can develop good eating habits by carefully planning their meals and not being too rigid. Allow yourself that occasional dessert. Eat 4 to 5 small meals through the day so that you don't feel too hungry in the afternoon.

On those occasions when you eat the wrong food, don't beat yourself up. Get right back on your diet plan and treat yourself to low fat versions of foods that you like. Good eating habits don't come overnight. You have to plan each meal and you need to eat every 3 hours to keep your energy level high and to avoid temptation.