are you proud of our ping pong silver medalist?

so what is they won for the first time in 48 years, many have said. they are china born.

this makes me wonder, can't our birth and breed singaporean excel in sports as well?

sports is something i believed must be expose and groom since the tender age of 5 or 6 years old. but singapore kids at these age are expose to phonics, abbacus etc. which singaporean parents see the importance in developing sports potential in their kids.

even if the kid has potential in certain sports, it will be treated as leisure rather then developing it into a career. these are the mindsets of singaporean parents.

i see that our government has been putting in alot of efforts in trying to develop the local sports arena. they set up a sports school but i realised that the students there are all in their teenage. starting to develop only at the teenage years are too late. sports is something which you really need to start very young. see all the top sports person around the world, they all start at 10 years old etc.

in olympics, the potential years for a sports person in between the age of 16 to 30 years. how many 4 years chance does a sports person have. if they are not trained early how are they going to challenge the world best.

shouldn't the mindset of parents change before we see a truly singaporean wins in a olympic games.

now, please do not get me wrong. i'm not saying that the ping pong girls are 3 class citizen. i equally salute them for their hard work and effort. they have trained hard since very young and they deserved this.

i think it's time that singaporean should do something in order to be in the league.

the lion is pouring his heart on olympics