Making your own strawberry jam is simple.

Buy a packet of fresh strawberry ( about 20 small strawberries)
Sugar of about 100g.
mix this together in a sauce pan with slghtly more than 1 cup of water, the water should just be about to cover the strawberry.

Turn fire on high.
Keep stirring the ingredients with a stirrer continously.
While doing that you will notice that they are white bubbles forming on top.
Remove the white bubbles with a scope. Cause the white bubbles will affect the colour of the jam.
When the strawberry melts and the water thicken it is time you switch off the fire - in the process of stirring do not crush the strawberry it will dissolve by itself when it is cooked.

The Jam is ready to be stored.
As no preservative is used the Jam must be consumed within 2 weeks.