Need to spend lot of money on new accessories and the main thing that makes me irritating is fitting them in the right place to feel free space and comfortable and good looking. I used to change them many times to get better look to the room.
Need to spend lot of money on new accessories and the main thing that makes me irritating is fitting them in the right place to feel free space and comfortable and good looking. I used to change them many times to get better look to the room.
you all very rich hor. diam diam change accessories. my house 8 years liao not a single thing change. hahahah... got got only lights changed.
Sometime i just paint the old cabinet i have to a brand new colour & it really do work.
Looks new and Expensive though
yar change means time and $.
choosing the style you will apply in decorating. Can't pick easily >.<
For me I hate home decor such as jewelries and accessories on my living room area because before me they looks irritating, I just want a simple design on my house that feels me comfortable.
Decorating your home can be interesting task. The best thing to do is spend too much money on pieces to decorate. You don't required to break the bank to keep up with design fashion.
To create a distinctive and personal interior décor, start by doing your homework. Before making any decisions, get to know local design, furniture and fabric stores. Learn how to navigate your hardware and home improvement stores like a pro. Research contractors and craftsmen for specialized jobs and hunt for references. Read shelter magazines and rip out the pictures you really like.
Last edited by rosita28; 14th March 2012 at 12:44 PM.
Own house is a dream of each and every person. Every person heartily decorate own home. According to me I don't like mismatch thinks in my house like curtain color and bed sheet color is totally different then its not looks good but its looks ugly.
Making Your Home Bright And Beautiful with Hanging Light
Matching colours are nice but sometimes, contrasting colours can be nice too!